Stockholm, SE

Coaching introduction

12-09-2016, by Mieke

In my blogpost last Thursday, I described why I decided to start talking with a coach. I promised a follow-up about the coaching sessions, so let's start with a blogpost about the Introduction Meeting with my coach Thea! Did you miss my last post? Check it out overhere!

I found my coach Thea via Competencer, an online coaching website. Before our first coaching session, I wrote Thea an email about what I wanted to talk about.

I want to know why I'm overthinking everything so much and why I don't just DO things.



Having never been coached before, apart from those screaming men along the hockey pitch, I was quite nervous in the beginning. Whenever Thea asked me a question, I felt as if the answer had to be perfect (which is basically my problem haha). However, after a while I felt comfortable to really share my feelings and emotions. A coach doesn't give you the solution to a problem, but helps you find it yourself. Because of Thea’s questions and understanding, it felt as if I could really get things straight and get to the core of the problem…


Thea made me realize in our introduction meeting that I’m worrying too much about what other people might think. Instead of relying on my own strengths and just putting my thoughts out there, I’m constantly bringing myself down, by thinking it might not be good or interesting enough for the world to see. 

Are you wondering why I chose to display the dumb emoticon πŸ’© above?

In Dutch we have a saying: ‘Schijt aan alles’. Very literally translated this means: ‘having sh*t on everything’, but actually it means you don’t care about what other people think. Wouldn’t it be liberating to have this feeling: sh*t on everything? Absolutely! 

Not having to worry about other people’s opinion, because I’m a self-confident woman, with a dream I believe in. That’s the ideal goal and something I would like to gain from these coaching sessions!

Thea and I decided to do 5 coaching sessions, which I’m really looking forward to. As soon as I’ve had a new coaching session, I will try to capture in words what we discussed. By taking you on this personal journey with me I’m revealing a big imperfection, which is actually why I want to share this. 

I'm not perfect, nobody is and that’s what makes us human. The process of me starting to truly believe this (instead of only writing it down) might be recognizable for others. 

I hope you liked this personal piece of writing and go on this journey with me. But then again, I probably shouldn’t care so much, because I’m the one taking this journey and believing in it.

Schijt aan alles, right?! 


Lots of love, Mieke

Nice to meet you, my name is Mieke Geevers; Givers.

It’s my dream to make it easy for women worldwide to feel good about themselves. Fast reads and videos about sports, food, beauty and fashion. Feel free to browse through my website, comment, like or share, you're welcome!